If I’m passive, forgive me, I have a lot to say.
First off, I’m being transferred. I’m headed to Santiago (Rio Grande do Sul-Not Chile). From what I’ve researched, it should be a deep shortstop-position in the baseball diamond of Rio Grande do Sul. I take off tomorrow, and will be in Ramo Vila Rica with Elder Capistrano. I do not know him yet, as he arrived with Elder Sena.
In my Place in Ijui-Centro, Elder Uchoa Sousa (from my District in Uruguaiana) will be the comp of Elder Sena. More news on the transfer - Elder Jordan Peterson went home (yes, his time was up), and Elder Dener Pereira will be in his stead with Elder Jawaad. Elder Anfuso went to be the ZL of Alegrete, and Elder Abancando will stay with ELder Marcelino.
First things first, Happy Birthday, Mom. It’s cool, because I had the chance to carry around my photos to my investigators this week. Almost all of them commented how pretty you are. A couple even said you looked more like my older sister, you're so young. So, the Brazilians, including your part-Brazilian son think you’re pretty.
One cool thing this week, the head honcho of the local Wizard, the most prominent English school in Brazil, stopped me on the street. He asked if I was American. I said I was. So he invited me to be a guest speaker at his English classes throughout the week. It was a great opportunity to meet new people and make a ton of contacts. We talked of culture, language, food, religion, and such.
At the Wizard English School:
In short, everything went perfectly this week.
Rita was baptized and confirmed :) She is super happy.
Diéssica brought her cousin, mom, and brother to church this week. We had 12 investigators there, not including Rita, who is no longer an investigator :)
We made a street contact with a lady whose name is Marina. She is actually an inactive member that moved here from Porto Alegre, and we didn’t have her records. We visited her, then sent the Relief Society president to her house. She teared up on our message about repentance, went to church on Sunday, and teared up there, too. She plans on coming back to church again.
Another inactive family returned to the church, Irmã Teresinha and Irmão João. João has been interviewed to soon receive the Priesthood.
Rosane and Gabriel are still going strong for baptism on the 10th. They were there at church.
Gilmar and Andrea now plan on getting married. We have already got the papers up and going. They were there at church.
We even checked up on Claudia, an "Eternal Investigator", who said she had read the pamphlet on Chastity, and now understands that she needs to get married. She teared up and said "she was tired of not taking the sacrament." We hadn’t even explained that a person had to be repenting to take the sacrament. She was there at church.
As we went to say goodbye to Irmã Esilda and Irmã Rita, Noara (Remember her?) was at Esilda's house. Noara, "wife" of Fernando, and "daughter-in-law" of Esilda, is an Ex-Investigator of ours. She moved to Ala Jardim, so we passed her to the other Elders. Well, she’s been really pregnant lately, so she has had a lot of time sitting at home. Well, as we were saying goodbye to Esilda, Noara informed us that she had spent much of her "sitting at home time" reading the Book of Mormon. She then told us she decided to get married to Fernando and get baptized. She and Fernando were there at church in Ala Jardim.
The registry department will be pretty busy because of the Missionaries, lol.
So in short, Dad was right. Everything catches fire before getting transferred. But you know what? I’m not sad about it. Actually, I’m super happy about it! I feel like I am now seeing the fruits of my labors. And am quite surprised by them. I’m in a euphoria. I am so excited to see how everything turns out.
I’m also excited to see how the new area and comp are. It will be a new experience with a new opportunity to lead and serve.
So. I’m just way happy right now.
Com amor (e alegria),
Elder Wassom
So I decided to burn my shirt here in Ijui with my friends. Don’t worry, it was already torn and unusable. White shirts burn well.
Messing around with horse face and pretending to be ninjas
Baptism of Rita:
Saying goodbye to: Isabel, Sergio + Fam, The Lencinas, João Gomes and fam, Tainã and Fam, Elder Jordan Peterson (He’s back in Wisconsin), Aline (Forget the side hug) The Bishop and Fam, Igor and Fam, Helmutt and Fam, Rita and Esilda