So here’s a surprise that ought to break the boring streak of my letters. You know how I said I was pretty certain I would be killing off Elder Soares da Silva? Surprise! We're both getting transferred! With problems arising in American Visas again (gotta love government), the mission is finding itself more and more short-staffed on missionaries. The world, in and of itself is always short-staffed. There’s always a need for more worthy and prepared missionaries. Nevertheless, in Brasil, it’s gettin scarce. Therefore, Presidente doesn’t have more of a choice than to close down the least productive spots in the mission. And, Urlândia B is one of those spots. So. Our already-enormous area is being added on to the already-enormous Urlândia A, and being cared for by Elder Ferreira Santos and Elder Chain (Elder Jordan Peterson is also getting transferred). I don’t know Elder Chain, but Elder Ferreira Santos has been made very well aware of the people to care for and how to care for them. I felt like a Dad, sending my daughter on her first date. "Care for these people with your life, they’re good people. You have your work cut out for you. Please visit them. Teach them. Love them. Invite them..." and so on.
Veleda is planned for this Saturday, and Júlia for the 9th of May. Other investigators show some serious potential as well. But personally, I had no baptisms here. As much of a bummer as this can be to a missionary, I remember Elder Neil L. Anderson's words: "You can count the seeds in an apple, but you can't count the number of apples in a seed." Elder Soares da Silva and I put in some really good work here 100% of the time. I know it won’t amount to nothing. In fact, that’s a promise in Preach My Gospel. So, it’s my time to leave to let the Lord work through other elders here.
But as to where am I headed, I am headed to Ijuí, Distrito Centro. Finally a city that’s easy to spell. It was a drag spelling out Urlândia, and especially Uruguaiana. But, in respect to this: I will actually be companions with Elder Farias! He's a great guy, and probably the easiest to mess around with. So I’ll have a good time with him. Oddly enough, he was in my first district out in the field. He was in Porto B in Uruguaiana, so Elder Molina and I worked a lot with him and Elder Vernon. I have already sent photos including him.
As for my Easter package, I will check one final time in the mail after sending this letter. I hope it’s there. If not, well, that’s sad. But don’t worry about it. Missionary Life.
Dad, you wrote about the ward fast that the First Ward did, and explained how it went. Believe it or not, that was at least 7 months ago, because I was there. I was a co-participant, with my family. Can you believe that? Doesn’t seem like that long ago. But, I am in fact approaching 7 months out here.
Dad. This is your occasional reminder. Study up your Portuguese.
Funny thing about Brazillians. As a general rule, they do not have good microphone etiquette. In Sacrament Meeting, they like to stick their face up 1/2-inch away from the mic, and talk loudly. And the bishopric doesn’t even turn the mic down. It just is a loud talk. Sad day for a jazzer. Mic check 12, ABCDEFG, 6 down, please. Boyd Jazz 2013 should get that reference.
I will be taking an early bus tomorrow at 7 am headed northward to Ijuí, with Elder Jordan Peterson, who will, oddly enough, continue being my Lider de Distrito. I know practically nothing about Ijuí, so I will have to inform you next week. I just know they have a hot springs, but that is useless info to a missionary.
But until then, I love you all.
Com Amor,
Elder Wassom
Visiting my friends in Urlandia before being transferred to Ijui
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