Elder Farias is a Genie. I will tell you why in this letter. First off, Elder Fávero finished his mission, and took off towards his homeland, Brasilia, yesterday. He really was a good pal of mine. He has a dream of heading to BYU in a year or 2, so maybe I’ll see him there! And he left me some shoes, some slacks, and other useful mission things. It is very useful having a dying missionary in your size. Other fun thing about that: Elder Anfuso is coming in to replace him! Elder Anfuso is just awesome! He’s the Argentinian that lived in our apartment in Uruguaiana. I LOVE that guy! He's awesome! So here’s where Elder Farias becomes genie. You know how at Christmas I told you that Elder Farias prophesied that he would get transferred, and that I would train? Well, Elder Farias has been called as the new DL in Santa Maria centro, and I pick my companion up - fresh from the MTC - from Santa Maria tomorrow. I’m excited. I’m nervous. But I am very happy that I have the confidence of my Mission President. Before now, Elder Molina was the 'youngest' trainer that I knew, with only 9 months in the mission. Well, I’m approaching just 8 months in. So I’m still pretty inexperienced. Still have a bit to learn. But it’ll be a good experience. Sergio told me "Pray as if everything depended on Him; work as if everything depended on you." I know I’d heard that quote before, but it’s a good one.
We have been renovating our church house, so last week, Aula de Canto (Singing Class) had to take place in the mother’s lounge. Yes, that’s right. The mother’s lounge. But it went well! Much better than the first lesson.
Other fun thing. I got my Easter Package! Woohoo! I finally have pants that fit! Including one that matches my Elder Favero Suitcoat! Yay!! And I immediately put the fudge makings to good use. The apartment thanks you for that. I also shared some of my Swedish Fish and Hot Tamales, then hid them in my E-Bola Survival Kit (that’s what I call my extensive first aid kit). The brownies I am awaiting with great anxiety to make. I am a happy boy.
The other two pictures of the food somewhat resembling a big messy burger is called a X. (pronounced like 'she's') I didn’t name it, but it sure tastes good. The first one (the 1/2 X) was called a "X Tudo" or, a "X Everything." It had just about everything. Bacon, Smoked sausage, pork, ham, cheese, eggs, chicken hearts, peas, corn, special sauce, lettuce and so on. It was very good. The other one (the originally-1/2-but-1/2-eaten-by-myself-so-1/4 X) was just like a Big Mac with peas, corn, and eggs.
We had our Stake Conference on Sunday in Cruz Alta. It was good. Our Ward Mission Leader brought a friend, Marrone. Our ward mission leader is just awesome. So is our bishop. I have pictures of them both. Remember that Bishop is the one that looks like Gpa Madsen.
The work is going great, but we failed to mark any baptismal dates. We will this week, I’m sure.
Well, that’s about it for this week. Just a little anxious with how everything is going to work out in training my companion. You know? But it’s gonna be great.
Love you all!
Com amor,
Elder Wassom
Here's some pics, including our Zone T-shirt (wheres E. Wassom?), pants and suit that fit!