SO voice lessons. On this one, I will quote the wonderful Ms. Logan. "Set your standards really low, and you’ll never disappoint yourself." But, I think maybe it went well, maybe they had fun, and maybe there’ll be investigators next time. Bishop came in and sort of saved the lesson. Until he walked in, no one opened up, and they were all really timid. Timid-ness is not a good thing in the performing arts. But bishop pretty much said "Alright, this is how a MAN does it." and he sung, nothing holding back. He is actually pretty good. I was impressed. From then on, people opened up more.
On Tuesday, we had our Zone Conference in our neighbor city, Cruz Alta. It went well, but I must admit, our ZL training was pretty awful. But I just have to trust that that was a one-time deal, and I will have to continue trusting our leaders.
SO here in Rio Grande do Sul, there’s two soccer teams: Grêmio and Inter. It’s like BYU and Utah. Big rivalry, Well, they played yesterday, and Inter won. The only way I know that, is as we were walking, a bunch of bottle rockets (the loud ones) went off, then people started driving around with Inter banners and honking like crazy. Despite the distractions, we did have a really good lesson with Michel and Teresinha. Michel (pronounced like Michelle, only he’s a guy. I think it’s supposed to be the Portuguese equivalent of MITCHELL, but I never admit that to anyone, because I refuse to be known as Michelle) was a contact that we made in the street, and we returned there yesterday. The father seemed really unenthused that we were there. However, Michel and his mom, Teresinha listened attentively as we talked about the restoration of the gospel. At the end, she asked if we could "do a prayer" for her to get over her cold. SO we then asked if we could do a Priesthood blessing, and she obliged. So that was neat.
Com Amor,
Elder Mitchell Wassom
Here’s some pics. Among them include the recipes, voice lessons, and a selfie with our bishop that looks like young Grandpa Madsen. Tell me if you agree.
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