This week went over well. The baptism of Alexandra and Juliandra was super special! The branch pitched in, and the service was awesome. Elder Sales baptized Alexandra, and Lucas Vargas baptized Juliandra. Then we had cake and sandwiches and juice. We tried to be all fancy and make juice with sparkling water, but I think it would have been better without.
Unfortunately, looks like we might have to push back the baptism of Patrique and Maria, but we'll get after it.
I talked really briefly about my comp last week, so I’ll share some more fun facts. Sure he's fun-sized, but I don't dare mess with him, as he is a Jiu-Jitsu and Muay Thai champion. He’s really creative, and gives really good ideas on how to teach our investigators. AND he laughs at my corny sense of humor. Elder Capistrano and I got along very well, but my humor was almost intolerable to him. I still smile at the idea that he’s with Elder Sena right now.
On Tuesday, I went on Splits with Elder Pierce (yes, AGAIN) in Santo Angelo. That left my 1-week-expirienced trainee alone to lead the area for 2 days. I was concerned that this would be a tough time for him. BUT... When I got back, we had a ton of new investigators, and great progress. But the splits turned out good. We had a good time.
There’s a couple that we're working with named Cristiano and Daiane. They’re super awesome. Daiane has more questions than anyone I’ve ever taught. Cristiano had a super neat experience to tell us, and I’m not sure if I’ve already shared it with yall. When we started teaching them, they both started asking us a load of questions about the Book of Mormon. Eventually I had to ask why they were so interested. Cristiano said: "One day, the Mormons gave us the Book of Mormon, and immediately, everyone was telling me about how awful of a book it is. Some people even said it was the foundation of a cult! Even my wife told me to just throw it away. I’ve tried several times to throw it away, but there’s always an outside force prohibiting me to do so; and I physically cannot bring myself to throw the book away. Over time, I realized: How can this book be the foundation of something so terrible, if its bearing a name so powerful on the front and back cover!? (Points to the letters: JESUS CHRIST)" Pretty cool story, huh?
So I gotta go. Love Yall!
Com Amor,
Elder Wassom
Yet again, I’m not particularly fond of how our hemi-zone picture went, as the 10-second-timer-photo I haven’t quite mastered. But at least it shows a few things, such as the stature of my comp. haha.
But I HAVE mastered the 100 seminary scriptures in Portuguese, woohoo. And the baptism! Woop!
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