Nah, but for real, shout out to my 24-year-old brother, Conner. Love you bro! Dad, your birthday is today. Cinquenta e Um. Eeeita, veio. Tu tá expirando. Já pode contratar alguém pra fazer teu caixão, caduco. rsrs, Love you Dad, Happy Birthday. (ps google translate doesn’t really help with that one, it’s all slang, tchê.)
As you can see, Lurdes was baptized and confirmed. Really, she just beams with happiness. It’s super incredible to see people come to the fold of Christ. And there is something satisfactory when you are the missionaries to begin the teaching and baptize. It’s always a fun thing.
We continue to work with Dionatan, Daniels nephew. He has already decreased his daily cigarette count from 40 to 2. The faith of that guy is pretty high.
Irmã Zenira fell last Sunday. :( Luckily, she came up, unhurt. She might’ve sprained her ankle, but that’s a lot better than a lot of things that could have happened.
Guys, I just want to tell you guys. The mission is awesome. It’s like living in a dream. Miracles happening left and right, and it passes super fast. I’m super happy. Alegrete has been "só alegria" (only happiness) for me. Elder Lailson Silva and I are enjoying each other, and working super hard, and the results are really rewarding. We continue to see lives change in front of our eyes.
Guys - there’s a song from the EFY 2016 that really speaks to me and applies 100% to missionary work. "It’s not about you"
Never has God seemed so real and felt so close to me. He's someone who I know personally, understand and Love deeply. I will be forever grateful and in debt to my Savior. I understand His sacrifice so much more than I did before. I’m so glad I am serving a mission. It’s an opportunity no one should turn down. I look back at the changes I’ve made to myself and think, as Enos: "How is it done?" It’s nothing short of a miracle.
I love you all so much.
Com Amor,
Elder Wassom
We had a rio grande do sul churrasco last week, and Lurdes' baptism!
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