Caixa Postal 40
Centro - São Gabriel - RS
CEP: 97300 - 000
There’s my address.
It was great to see yall via skype. It's sort of cool, because when I see yall, I feel like you've been with me this whole time on this journey of mine! I feel at home.
I imagine my parents will keep everyone up with the notices, so I will take this time to remember and paraphrase parts of a letter I wrote to my long-time friend, Sister Breah Buss. A few weeks ago, Sister Buss wrote me a letter asking for some last-minute advice before heading to the MTC. As you all are aware, she is in the MTC now, and serving diligently. She also has the gift of writing long intelligent-sounding letters, a gift that I don’t have.
But, to give an overview, I just told her to be prepared and try her best in everything. Really, that’s all that matters. As we try our best, we are blessed by the spirit, and we will have success. Then I wrote specifically about some things to be prepared for. I surprised myself of the long list of, I'll call it for what it is, "be prepared to..."s. Be prepared to deal with stress. Be prepared to have things fall through and not work out for you. Be prepared to have a comp you don't get along with. And so on.
I took a look at the letter, and realized that I had written 6 pages of, what looked like, somewhat negative stuff. Then I thought: "but... why? I'm more happy than I ever have been in my life!"
So I wrote more-or less the following: "many people wonder why missionaries are so happy. We pass through many difficulties. But when we do God's will, we are blessed by the spirit. And the spirit brings joy and other fruits into our lives." (Galatians 5:22)
And it's the truth. I love my mission so much. It's incredible.
I love you all so much. TTY soon.
Com Amor,
Elder Wassom
As promised, the pictures of the family night and the rainbow
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