Dear Family and Friends,
These two weeks have been rather crazy. Giving a quick re-cap, Elder Silva was transferred, and Elder Olivera came to be in his stead here in São Gabriel as my companion. In Alegrete, he lived in the same house as me, and there was a lot of good times. I am excited to finish off these last 4 weeks with him.
More about the Transfer, Sister Cajazeiros was transferred, too, and replaced by Sister Ançay. Sister Cajazeiros will be missed, but Sister Ançay seems like a great missionary as well.
Last Monday, I was in a church Self-Sufficiency training, as now all returning missionaries have to be coached in this regard. It was long, tiresome, and after a while, I got a headache. HOWEVER, it was awesome. Wow. I am so glad the church has such good resources like these. Perhaps it wasn't the most exciting thing in the world, but it will help me a LOT. Basically, it opened my eyes as to how tough the real world will be on my wallet, and the need I will have to get after it as soon as possible when I get home. It also talked about how to have a good resumé, how to smash an interview, etc.
After that, we went to the mission home, for the first time since I got here in the mission. The Mission-finishers and I all ate a taco salad, made by Sister Louza. WOW! It was really good, and made me remember how much I love Mexican food. We bore our "final" testimonies, and then some of our group headed off to catch their plane. I, on the other hand, went to the house where all the ZLs were sleeping to have our Mission Counsel on the following day.
Then we had the counsel, and Elder Oliveira and I returned to our area.
We had a good week this week. We found some new investigators. We ended up getting the sisters' move all taken care of. They now live in one of the awesomest houses (probably the awesomest) in the mission.
Bad news - It was on the 4th story... That made the move a lot of fun... NOT! But President authorized a hot-dog party afterwards, as we were all super exhausted.
Well. Here we go. Entering into my last month...
Com Amor,
Elder Wassom
Some pictures of:
fun at an air club. Don't worry about my "super HOTT arplane pose"... I was just playing around!
A pretty trail I pass by in my area.
Lairton and Jociele,
The zone tshirt "Fail" and how we fixed it,
our old district,
Luiz Celis and fam,
Elder Capistrano and me,
Self-Sufficiency course,
the amazing taco salad,
saying goodbye,
Elder Oliveira and I,
what was clogging our pipes (two knives)
Hope you liked the photos! Its been a while.
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