Estou animado pra trabalhar em São Gabriel. No mesmo tempo, foi difícil despedir ao pessoal aqui em Alegrete. Foi, provavelmente minha área preferida, porque as pessoas aqui são tão boas. O campo realmente é "branco e pronto para a ceifa." Se eu pudesse colocar em uma palavra estas últimas 4 meses, seria "milagroso." Quanto mudei... quanto as pessoas mudaram. É incrível.
Dear Family and Friends,
So I was right and wrong. Yes, I was transferred, but I did not call the right city. I am headed to São Gabriel to be companions to Elder Silva (Not to be confused to my current companion, Elder Lailson Silva). Yet another bittersweet transfer. I really liked my comp, and loved my area. Judging from what I’ve seen and heard, Elder Silva is another cool guy, so I'm excited. São Gabriel should be pretty similar to Santiago. About the same size: 50,000. There are two strong branches there, and it is in a district with Rosario do Sul, which, if I'm not mistaken, has two more strong branches. I’ve heard good things about São Gabriel. In my zone are some names you’ve already heard: Elder Capistrano (my ex-comp who will be living in my apartment, he's gonna be the District Leader in São Gabriel), Elder Rodrigues (or, as I might have said, Elder da Silva, who changed his name - worked here in Alegrete, will serve in Rosário) and Sister Porter (Split Vila Rica with Me and Elder Sales/Alves in Santiago, will train a greeny in Rosário, probably until the end of her mission). Should be fun times.
This week was weird. We worked on expanding our teaching group, and got it to a considerable size. Then, all at once, everyone "cut" us. It was a lame way to end my service here in what is probably my favorite area, but hey. God's in charge. Winter was about to hit, as it's about time already, but this week was uncharacteristically (my English no more exists) hot, reaching 95 degrees.
On the bright side, Wednesday, we had a super awesome Family night at Everton and Tatiana's. Many people were there, including Tatiana's Parents, Roque and Conceição. Roque is a less-active returning to the church. Conceição is not a member YET. But the family night was awesome and the spirit was strong.
Another one of the good things that happened this week was church. It was a good meeting. I taught Gospel Principles this week, (actually, I have been doing that for about 3 months now) and the room was so full, my companion had to leave and go to Gospel Doctrine next door! It was hot, sweaty, and crowded, but hey. A packed Gospel Principles class is nothing to complain about for a missionary ;) Jp and Mirian showed up, bringing Zinira and J's mom. Zinira continues to come every week, even without them. Felipe, Norma, and Elza came, all for the first time. Josiano, Maiara's husband, was also there. He is starting to think about baptism, too. Katia, Zenaide, Daniel, Lurdes and Rosane were there, as always. Despite the mugginess of that room, the lesson went great, and there were many tears shed. After the lesson, we got to cool down in Sacrament meeting in the AC. AC is a blessing, not a privilege.
I'm happy to see Conn and Katie's smiling faces. Garrett and his Fianceé looked happy, too. Good for them. I loved the pics. Keep 'em coming, if there's more.
I leave for São Gabriel tomorrow morning, 6:30 am. My suitcases are far from packed, but I'll make it happen somehow.
Guys, I love you all. Thanks for all the support. I'm happy as always. Congrats, Conn and Katie! I'm super happy for yall.
Com Amor,
Elder Wassom
Elder Lailson Silva is the son of a fisherman, so we ate fish frequently.
A storm. It was a lot cooler than the fotos;
our zone (I thought there was less room in the photo than there really was, thus the bended-overness)
Saying goodbye to: Lurdes, Rosane +Fam; Norma+felipe; Zenira, jp, Mirian, and Gma; Everton+Tatiana; Mara and Georginho; Maiara and josiano; Victoria, josele, and ??? (that foto wasnt planned by me); Teresa Carvalho, Teresa and Uallison; Uallison and Daniel; some others; Elizete (she talks a lot); Gerson and Suellen
Showing the difference between brazillian photos and american photos (Brazilians will cut off part of the head just to show their whole body... as seen in my photos with Suellen and Gerson); Luisa and Fransisco; Puff, my favorite dog here in alegrete, eating my comp; Bishop Isidoro and family; Marinho and Fam; Zenaide
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