I'm saying goodbye to: Luiz and Marissa and company
Saying goodbye to Marrone and Diessica and Salgadinho (their cat)
Leaving Ijui
My new comp (Elder Capistrano)
Saying goodbye to Elder Matoso in Alegrete
Our bus broke down
And I made my own Doce de Leite!
Alright. Answers to yall’s questions.
I too find it a wasteful tradition to burn a shirt after one year passed, but it really was unusable. I even cut off a part of the fabric, in case I need it for mending another shirt.
Elder Wassom
Caixa Postal 29
Centro - Santiago - RS
Elder Capistrano, my new companion, is a recent convert of 4 years. He is from a city close to Forteleza, Ceara. He's spiritual, and a hard worker. I can tell he will be up there on the "Favorites" list. He is a smart guy, and loves physics. He showed up with Elder Sena, and is on his fourth transfer right now.
We watched conference (in Portuguese) in the stake center. It was awesome. I loved Carole Stevens' talk. That’s two conferences in a row. She is a powerful woman. Cheryl Esplin of the Primary is also awesome. I also liked Robert D Hales.
Yall met Pudge! I’m jealous.
Wow. I’m already almost out of time. Sorry a lot, I had a lot of new stuff to do and download and print and such. I have a new calling, and it has got me super busy. But I am happy, healthy, and doing well in general. We had another Mission Conference in Alegrete. It was funny… Sister Spendlove came up to me and said "has anyone told you that you look like an American?" "I am an American." "OH! That’s right. But you speak like a Brazilian!" That made me feel super cool.
They’re launching the new LDS Holy Bible in Portuguese, and that’s got everyone excited.
Gotta go! Love yall
Com amor,
Elder Wassom
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