The storms have slowed the internet a bunch, so yet again, this will be short.
So I will start off my letter one-upping Dad with his letter title. When Dad put this phrase as his letter title, I had to laugh a bit, because I was going to put the same thing, lol. So, to start things out, Wednesday afternoon was bright and sunny. Then things started to darken, and I got a call from Sister Chaves. "Hey, I'm seeing some pretty weird clouds moving in, and it looks pretty dangerous. Do we have your permission to return to our apartment?" I went ahead and let them go home, but I thought "doesn’t look too bad, my companion and I will keep working." Within 5 minutes, it started raining. We headed to a tiny little sheltered bus stop for protection. In about 20 to 30 seconds later, the sky fell. Water was dumping, and, I kid you not, softball-sized hail started pelting the street and bus stop. Shards of ice broke off the hailstones and were flinging in our direction, so we stood on the little bench to allow the ice to only hit our legs. We said a prayer, asking God to let us return to our apartment safely. I got the impression "wait until the hailstones aren’t lethal, then run." I wanted to say "really? You can’t just send a taxi or something?" but soon enough, the Softballs turned to apple seeds, and we ran. We got drenched in a matter of 10 seconds. The water on the street was 6 inches deep at its shallowest. Cars passed by, and gutter washed us every time. But, because we were running at the right place at the right time, we managed to flag down a bus that was headed conveniently right to our house.
Speaking of our house, the roof was destroyed. Our repairman told us "Hey it’s not ugly.... it’s hideous." We were, yet again, without water and electricity, but hey. Fun stories to tell in 11 months. Not just our roof was destroyed, everyone’s roof was destroyed. The day after the storm, everyone was on top of the roof. Church headquarters is sending Santiago roofing equipment.
Sorry to make it short again, but I love yall, and wish you a good week!
Com Amor,
Elder Wassom
PS I’m fine, btw. Everything’s fixed and back to normal.
No, my comp did not wet the bed, lol. The first 3 pics are due to rain damage. Our house leaked a LOT, and the third picture is of our neighbor's patch-job. Our landlord said our roof was a whole lot worse. The fourth picture, I’m just goofing off in Ruan's Jacket. Who's Ruan? Our Mannequin Butler. Why do we have a mannequin in our house? I’m not sure.
The first is a picture of the mystery pile of dinosaur crap. The next two are holes in irmã Geni's roof. The next was a super cool circular rainbow, and the last two are of a weird caterpillar rave.

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