The rain finally stopped. The Santiago-Santo Antonio region here in Rio Grande do sul for 3 days the past week (or something like that) had received more rain than the whole world combined during those three days. It’s somewhat strange, because there was a huge, horrible hailstorm with tangerine-sized hail that hit the city, but it didn’t do much damage. Then a tiny sprinkle shower comes through and wipes out the power to the whole city for a day and a half. Weird thing is... the running water system here is different, because it has to do with pumps, and tanks and such. Net net, it also blew out the running water. Running water is awesome. You don’t realize what you have until its gone.
The other weird thing is that yesterday, it was in the 40´s, and today, it’s in the high 80's. It’s like Texas weather.
But... The rain stopped. Yay!
Fun things to tell yall. Elder Bicudo and Elder Alvarenga, who live with us, brought home a pizza brochure with like, 100 different flavors. One was an "American Pizza." "American Pizza" had bacon, peas, and onions. Because that’s what we Americans put on a normal pizza, right? haha.
Other funny thing, there’s a soap opera (novela) called "the 10 commandments," which counts the story of Moses. It’s kinda cool, but also funny because every now and again, the people whom we teach will teach us all the things that Moses did (or didn't actually do). And sometimes they’ll talk like: "And just IMAGINE what happened to Egypt yesterday! ""Uhm, they were plagued by wild locusts, maybe?" "HOW DID YOU KNOW???"
Well, we read the bible, people, haha.
We challenged a girl, Gabriella, to be baptized on the 31st, and she accepted. Just that she came down with a fever and was not able to go to church this Sunday, so the date fell through. Our other investigators are showing much potential as well. The work is accelerating, which makes me happy
Love Yall. One day I’ll be able to finish a letter to yall, haha.
Com Amor,
Elder Wassom
So here’s a pic of what has to be the greatest fast food experience of my life
My new District
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